Our values are the operating principles that guide everything about us as a church. Immanuel Fellowship is a gospel-centered, missional church community. We believe that the presence and power of King Jesus (Immanuel) produces a unique kind of community (Fellowship). Therefore, all of our values are rooted in the gospel:

Romans 15:7

Romans 15:7


The gospel overflows in relational generosity.

(Romans 15:7)

Galatians 2:14, John 4:21-24, Isaiah 49:6

Galatians 2:14, John 4:21-24, Isaiah 49:6


The gospel creates diverse community: spiritually, culturally, economically.

(Galatians 2:14, John 4:21-24, Isaiah 49:6)

Ephesians 2:1-22, John 9, Nehemiah 9:32-39

Ephesians 2:1-22, John 9, Nehemiah 9:32-39


The gospel renews 
everything: all people, systems, cultures.

(Ephesians 2:1-22, John 9, Nehemiah 9:32-39)